Speech on the Floor of the U.S. House of Representaitves
Alzheimer’s Disease- Budget and National Alzheimer's Plan
January 18, 2011

As we debate reducing our national deficit, we must address one of the largest costs threatening our economy and bankrupting our families – the Alzheimer’s pandemic.

5.4 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s. But as the baby-boomers age, this number will swell to 15 million.

We already spend $130 billion on Alzheimer’s every year from Medicare and Medicaid.

At this rate, in 2050, we will spend, $800 billion every year from Medicare and Medicaid on this one disease alone.

This is the more than the entire defense budget today.

Thankfully, right now, the Advisory Council for the National Alzheimer’s Project Act is developing the first-ever comprehensive national plan to fight this disease.

We in Congress must make sure the Department of Health and Human Services has the funding to fully implement this historic plan.

We cannot cut funding for medical research today if we want to balance the budget tomorrow.

We made a vow to care for our citizens as they age. NIH is the National Institues of Hope. We must not cut that budget.

We must put families first. We must invest in a cure for Alzheimer’s now.