WASHINGTON -- On Thursday, Massachusetts Rep. Ed Markey announced his support for the five principles in the Declaration of Internet Freedom, joining congressional colleagues Sen. Ron Wyden, Reps. Anna Eshoo, Darrell Issa and Jared Polis and more than 2,000 organizations and 75,000 individuals from more than 130 countries.

"The Internet is the most successful commercial and communications medium in history, and we must ensure that it continues to be defined by its open exchange of ideas — an exchange that has driven tremendous innovation, economic growth and job creation," said Rep. Markey. "U.S. global leadership in the 21st-century information economy stems directly from policies that ensure the Internet remains free and open to all lawful uses and users. As the Internet continues to evolve, we must guarantee that the strongest safeguards are in place to protect the privacy of Internet users, especially children and teens. I will continue my work in Congress toward the goal of ensuring that the Internet’s openness and vitality are celebrated and safeguarded for generations to come."

Rep. Markey is a longtime advocate for Internet freedom. He is the author of the Internet Freedom Preservation Act — the first-ever Net Neutrality bill in Congress — which would ensure that as the Internet continues to evolve, it remains a level playing field guided by the principles of openness and competition. He has consistently supported policies that protect the open Internet and recently introduced the Mobile Device Privacy Act, which would give consumers more control over how the private data they enter on mobile devices is used. Rep. Markey co-chairs the Congressional Bipartisan Privacy Caucus.  

"We are thrilled that Representative Markey is supporting the principles embodied in the Declaration of Internet Freedom,” said Josh Levy, Free Press Internet campaign director. “As a longtime champion of the open Internet, Rep. Markey understands better than anyone that our right to communicate online is under threat. His support for the Declaration, and his good work on mobile privacy, are crucial as we build the movement to protect our online freedoms for good."
