Washington (September 26, 2024) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a member of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee and author of the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA), and Representative Anna G. Eshoo (CA-16), senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, today applauded the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) vote to approve rules to strengthen accessibility standards across video conferencing platforms.

“Today’s FCC vote is a critical step toward bringing our digital accessibility rules into the modern era,” said Senator Markey. “These new requirements — which mirror the proposal in the Communications, Video, and Technology Accessibility Act — will ensure platforms have essential accessibility features, such as accurate captioning tools and third-party sign language interpretation and will allow users to customize accessibility features to meet their individual needs. Thanks to today’s FCC action, people with disabilities will have better access to video conferencing services that are critical for work, education, health care, and keeping in touch with loved ones. I thank Chairwoman Rosenworcel for her leadership on accessibility issues and congratulate all the advocates for their work to make video conferencing platforms accessible for everyone. I continue to call upon my colleagues in Congress to pass the Communications, Video, and Technology Accessibility Act, which would provide critical updates to our accessibility laws to keep pace with emerging technologies. Accessibility should never be an afterthought.”

“Technology has evolved rapidly over the last two decades and much of our economy and day-to-day lives have moved online, but unfortunately accessibility standards have stayed largely the same. Video conferencing and video streaming platforms used every day are not required to have audio descriptions or closed captions, leaving people with disabilities unable to use these tools that are essential to learn, work, connect with loved ones, and access critical services,” said Rep. Eshoo. “I applaud the FCC’s actions to increase access for people with disabilities. Congress should pass the Communications, Video, and Technology Accessibility Act to fully update our laws so everyone can stay connected and have full access to the technology that is necessary to participate equally in the 21st Century.”

Senator Markey is the author of the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act, which became law in 2010 and mandates accessibility of devices and services for the millions of Americans with disabilities and enables the use of a wide range of devices and services needed in the digital era. In July 2023, Senator Markey and Representative Eshoo reintroduced the Communications, Video, and Technology Accessibility Act (CVTA) to amend the CVAA due to the proliferation of emerging technologies that have come online since 2010. The CVTA would strengthen standards for television programming and emergency communication; expand accessibility requirements, including closed captions and audio descriptions, to online platforms and video conferencing services; and equip the federal government with the ability to improve accessibility of emerging technologies.
