Senators to Hold Colloquy on Senate Floor Defending the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan and Hitting Republicans for Fighting to Block It Without Presenting Their Own Solution


Washington, DC – Today at approximately 11:00 a.m., following votes, a group of Senate Democrats will speak on the Senate floor to defend the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan against Republican attacks, and to ask Republicans a simple question: if they don’t like President Obama’s plan to address climate change, then what’s their plan?


The Obama Administration is expected to soon announce its final regulations to limit carbon pollution from power plants – the most significant federal effort to date to reduce the greenhouse gas pollution that is contributing to climate change.  Republicans have repeatedly attacked the Administration’s plan, with Majority Leader Mitch McConnell going so far as to send letters to all 50 states urging them not to comply with it.  At the same time, many Republicans continue to deny the reality of climate change or cast doubt on the science behind it, and none of them have offered an alternative solution to address it.


Senators planning to participate include Democratic Leader Harry Reid, EPW Committee Ranking Member Barbara Boxer, and Senators Sheldon Whitehouse, Brian Schatz, and Edward J. Markey.  Other Senators may also join.


EVENT:         Senate Dems to Ask GOP: What’s Your Plan for Climate Change?


WHEN:          TODAY, Wednesday, July 29, 2015

                        Between 11:00 a.m. and Noon


WHERE:        U.S. Capitol, Senate Floor

Washington DC

