Markey provisions part of larger Ukraine aid package passed today

WASHINGTON (December 11, 2014) – The Senate passed a Ukraine aid package today that includes key provisions authored by Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) that would help Ukraine to become more energy efficient, increase their domestic energy production, include the U.S. private sector in Ukraine’s energy modernization, and authorize provision of winterization and weatherization supplies. Ukraine is currently the second most energy inefficient nation in the world, making it vulnerable to energy shortages if Russia cuts off supplies of natural gas, as it has done previously this year.


“Energy is one of Ukraine’s greatest vulnerabilities, and this legislation will help Ukraine become more energy self-reliant,” said Senator Markey, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “The best way to help the people of Ukraine weather this conflict during this winter and beyond is by helping them increase the energy efficiency of their homes, businesses, and industries so they can do more with less energy and help them boost their own supplies. That will diminish Putin’s power, and increase Ukraine’s energy efficiency for decades to come.”


In June, Senator Markey introduced legislation to help Ukraine become more energy independent by boosting the country’s woeful energy efficiency and provide technical assistance to extract domestic natural gas. The bill, the Ukrainian Independence from Russian Energy Act, would help Ukraine reduce its reliance on Russia for natural gas and provides an easier pathway towards isolating Russia than pushing for natural gas exports to the country.