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“The Ed Markey Podcast” Episode 2 (TRAILER)


Senator Markey hosts Senator Warren on his podcast

Washington (February 16, 2024) - Following last week’s launch of “The Ed Markey Podcast” to celebrate the five-year anniversary of the Green New Deal resolution, Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released his second podcast episode, featuring Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). 

The pair of Massachusetts senators discussed the power of clean energy solutions, including the economic and health impacts that new electric school buses and offshore wind infrastructure will bring to communities across their state, before closing with a game of “Big Oil or Movie Villain?”

“The grassroots movement across our country, the Green New Deal movement, is making all the difference in the way the politics in our country are being played,” said Senator Markey, speaking with Senator Warren on the podcast.

Senators Markey and Warren recently announced that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded Massachusetts funding for 85 electric school buses under the Clean Bus Grant Program to help school districts replace polluting diesel school buses with electric or low-emission school buses.

Every Friday until Earth Day in April, “The Ed Markey Podcast” will feature a new episode with a variety of climate champions—from lawmakers to youth organizers and environmental justice activists. “The Ed Markey Podcast” will spotlight how the Green New Deal movement has transformed the United States’ national climate agenda by creating new union jobs, delivering long-overdue justice, and reducing dangerous pollution. 

Senator Markey and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14) recently unveiled a new report, “Five Years of the Green New Deal,” detailing what the Green New Deal means for good-paying clean jobs, environmental justice, and climate action, and providing a path forward for years to come. 
