This summer, Senator Markey called on SAMHSA to maintain flexibilities instituted during pandemic that break down barriers to opioid treatment

Washington (November 18, 2021) - Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement after the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) announced it would extend take-home methadone flexibility in the treatment of opioid-use disorder while working toward a permanent policy change. In July, Senator Markey and Congresswoman Ann Kuster (NH-02) led a group of colleagues in sending a letter to SAMHSA urging the agency to make permanent regulatory flexibilities implemented in response to COVID-19. These flexibilities, particularly expanded allowances for take-home methadone, have improved the accessibility of treatment for patients with opioid-use disorder.  
“I am pleased that the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration took this important step after our urging to maintain access to expanded take-home methadone for opioid-use disorder,” said Senator Markey. “It is past time that the federal government’s regulation of medications for opioid-use disorder catch up with the needs of our communities. I am glad that the Biden administration is following through on its commitment to expand access to effective treatments for opioid-use disorder. As we continue to combat the opioid epidemic, we must do all we can to help individuals in need. Treatment works, recovery is possible.”