Boston (June 18, 2020) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement after the United States Supreme Court ruled against the Trump administration’s attempt to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. 


“Today’s ruling from the Supreme Court provides must needed relief for DACA recipients and their families, but we cannot stop fighting,” said Senator Markey. “We need legislation that provides permanent protections for DACA recipients and creates a pathway to citizenship for all eleven million undocumented individuals in the United States. We cannot and should not rely only on the courts to provide legal protection and dignity for our nation’s immigrants. Lawmakers and advocates must continue to push for citizenship for DACA recipients and all Dreamers in the United States. This ruling does not prevent the Trump administration from trying to end DACA again, which is why Congress must pass the Dream and Promise Act now.  


“We are a nation of immigrants, and our economy and security are stronger because of the immigrant families who have enriched our nation since its founding. We owe a debt of gratitude to the DACA recipients who are frontline workers during the coronavirus pandemic. To the DACA recipients who are doctors and nurses healing patients. To the DACA recipients who are essential workers keeping Americans safe and fed. To the DACA recipients who own business in Massachusetts, study at our universities, and fight for a more just and equitable future. We must keep fighting for all of them.


“Citizenship for only some cannot be our end goal. We must work to provide a pathway to citizenship for the entire undocumented population living in the United States. Until we provide everyone with security and legal certainty, people like Donald Trump and Stephen Miller will continue to target and terrorize immigrant communities.”


In March, Senator Markey introduced the New Deal for New Americans Act, legislation that promotes immigrant and refugee inclusion, as well as coordinates the efforts of federal, state, and local governments to support the social, economic, and civic integration of immigrants and refugees. As President Donald Trump uses executive orders, guidance, rulemaking, and informal directives to demonize immigrants and refugees, Senator Markey’s legislation reflects a proactive, affirmative vision for our nation in which the federal government commits significant resources to support immigrants and refugees.

