Boston (February 24, 2017) – On the heels of Senator Jeff Flake’s (R-Ariz.) pledge to undo the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) broadband privacy rules by utilizing the Congressional Review Act, Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement blasting today’s announcement by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai to block strong broadband privacy rules.
“Consumer protections and data security cannot be put on pause,” said Senator Markey, a member of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. “But with this suspension of privacy rules, Chairman Pai is allowing Internet Service Providers to ignore best data security practices. This could make subscribers sensitive information – including borrowing and banking practices, health care searches, geo-location, and other personal information that can be mined from online activity – more vulnerable to breaches and unauthorized use. Chairman Pai wants to do the bidding of Big Broadband and undo the FCC’s Open Internet Order, and he will clearly do so through every avenue possible, including broadband privacy rules. I strongly oppose Chairman Pai’s decision and his misguided effort to dismantle consumers’ most fundamental protections.”