Washington (September 7, 2023) — Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a member of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, released the following statement today after the Senate voted to confirm Anna Gomez to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC):

“For nearly 1,000 days, the Biden administration has gone without a full slate of commissioners on the FCC. Today, I was proud to cast my vote to confirm President Biden’s nominee Anna Gomez as the fifth commissioner on the Commission—delivering a Democratic majority that will make critical progress on the communications challenges communities across the country face. This new majority will finally be able to use the FCC’s authority to restore their rightful authority over broadband internet access, expand accessibility features for people with disabilities, protect community-run media, and keep students at home connected to the internet and the classroom.

“The challenges we face are too great for the FCC to face alone. We need laws on the books that empower regulators and protect consumers. I look forward to partnering with Chairwoman Rosenworcel, Commissioner Starks, and Ms. Gomez in our shared fight to undo the damage of the Trump-era FCC by restoring net neutrality protections and protecting consumers from another Republican assault on the free and open internet. In the coming weeks, I also plan to reintroduce my legislation to restore net neutrality so we can ensure that broadband is treated as an essential utility.”
