Senator Markey introduced legislation to honor U.S. Army unit whose efforts helped ensure an estimated 15,000 to 30,000 U.S. soldiers made it home during World War II


Senator Markey with McGlynn family from Medford, Massachusetts

Washington (March 21, 2024) - Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) today celebrated the awarding of the Congressional Gold Medal to the top-secret U.S. Army units that served in World War II, widely known as the “Ghost Army,” including posthumously to John J. “Jack” McGlynn of Medford, Massachusetts. McGlynn was a member of 3132 Signal Company, which was a division of the Ghost Army handling sonic deception. Often operating on or near the frontlines, these army units were instrumental to Allied successes during World War II, most notably at the Battle of the Bulge and the final battles in Italy’s Po Valley.

“The Ghost Army had to operate in the shadows during World War II, but their valiant efforts are finally getting the spotlight they deserve through the awarding of the Congressional Gold Medal,” said Senator Markey. “These heroes, including Jack McGlynn, not only guided the United States and the Allies to an Allied victory, but they also made it possible for countless American and Allied troops to return home safely and reunite with their loved ones. Jack McGlynn and all of the Ghost Army soldiers embodied the best of the American can-do spirit and our patriotism. It is an honor to celebrate this long overdue recognition with the McGlynn family and all of the loved ones of these true American heroes.”    

“Thank you to Senator Ed Markey, President Joe Biden, and your colleagues for the strong leadership that you have clearly demonstrated while passing this legislation,” said Michael McGlynn, former mayor of Medford, Massachusetts, and Jack McGlynn’s son. “The Senator has been our neighbor, friend, and a recognized leader in government for his entire career.”

In March 2016, Senator Markey and his colleagues introduced the Ghost Army Congressional Gold Medal Act. In February 2022, Senators Markey and Susan Collins (R-Maine), along with Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02), celebrated President Joe Biden’s signing of the bicameral legislation to award the Ghost Army a Congressional Gold Medal. 
