New rulemaking represents another victory for consumers, mirrors Senator Markey’s legislative efforts

Boston (April 24, 2024) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), member of the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, released the following statement after the Department of Transportation announced a new rule requiring airlines to issue automatic refunds to travelers when their flight is cancelled, or significantly delayed. The rule also protects consumers from hidden airline junk fees. The announcement follows Senators Markey’s efforts to include language in the Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act that would require airlines to provide automatic refunds, and his FAIR FEES Act to prohibit airline junk fees.

“This is a change of schedule that all traveling consumers will celebrate,” said Senator Markey. “When a family’s travel is interrupted, they worry about safely getting to a hotel, missed work, or rescheduling a vacation. They should not have to worry about asking the airlines for their money back.  And the excitement of travel can quickly become vacation trepidation when travelers are surprised by hidden junk fees. This rulemaking ensures families can fly with confidence knowing their budgets won’t be blown sky high by airlines’ surprise fees.”

Senators Markey is a longtime advocate for aviation consumer rights. The Senator has co-led several pieces of legislation, including the Airline Passenger Bill of Rights Act and the FAIR FEES Act, which significantly expand consumer protection laws for passengers. 
