Plans to introduce legislation to rescind the order and establish appropriate safeguards to protect text messages


Washington (December 12, 2018) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a member of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, today blasted a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Declaratory Ruling classifying text messaging as an information service.  Now that text messages are classified as an information service, telephone carriers are free to block text messages to favor their own texting services and stifle free speech.


“The FCC has an obligation to promote competition and freedom of speech over our telecommunications networks,” said Senator Markey.  “With this action, the FCC stifling free speech by giving telephone carriers the freedom to block any text message they wish, potentially harming competition and our democracy values. Congress can right this wrong, which is why I intend to introduce legislation to rescind this order and establish appropriate safeguards to protect this vital means of communications.”


Last week, Senator Markey led nine Democratic Senators called on the FCC to classify text messages as a telecommunications service.

