Trump transition team has requested names of agency staff and contractors who worked on climate policies, attended international climate conferences


Washington (December 9, 2016) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee and chair of the Senate Climate Clearinghouse, today sent a letter to President-elect Donald Trump with serious concerns about media reports that his transition team requested that the Department of Energy (DOE) provide a list of employees and contractors who helped develop the current administration’s energy and climate policies. In his letter, Senator Markey notes that if any of the information that is collected on staff, contractors and scientists who attended sanctioned meetings or worked on administration policies is used to terminate, demote, or otherwise discriminate against employees whose only action was to execute the directives of their supervisors, the new Trump administration would be in violation of U.S. law.


“Any politically motivated inquisition against federal civil servants who, under the direction of a previous administration, carried out policies that you now oppose, would call into question your commitment to the rule of law and the peaceful transition of power,” writes Senator Markey in his letter to President-elect Trump. “Civil servants should never be punished for having executed policies with which a new administration disagrees. That would be tantamount to an illegal modern-day political witch hunt, and would have a profoundly chilling impact on our dedicated federal workforce.”


A copy of Senator Markey’s letter can be found HERE.