Washington (June 19, 2017) –Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), the top Democrat on the East Asia Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement after the family of Otto Warmbier announced that he has died. Mr. Warmbier, who was detained in North Korea since March 2016, returned to the United States last week in a coma.


“I was saddened and outraged at the news that Otto Warmbier has died following his prolonged and unjust detention in North Korea. I extend my deepest condolences to Mr. Warmbier’s family, friends, and loved ones,” Markey said.  “The North Korean authorities must account for exactly what happened to Mr. Warmbier while he was in their custody and ensure that anyone who is responsible for his death is brought to justice. I reiterate the demand that North Korea immediately and unconditionally release all American citizens currently being held there.”