Hundreds attend to ask questions, call for action against Trump agenda

Boston (September 18, 2017) – With hundreds of concerned residents in attendance at Newton North High School in Newton, Massachusetts, Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) discussed his efforts in the U.S. Senate to fight back against the dangerous Trump administration agenda. Senator Markey spoke with attendees about the recent Trump decision to end the DACA program and pledged to help pass legislation in the Senate to protect the 7,900 DACA program beneficiaries in Massachusetts and the 800,000 across the country. The Senator also discussed his efforts in the Senate to combat the opioid crisis, protect net neutrality, and defend the Affordable Care Act. Senator Markey is a co-sponsor of Senator Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) “Medicare for All” legislation and praised Massachusetts leadership on providing health coverage.


“As we work to strengthen the Affordable Care Act and build upon the important progress we have made, we must also set our sights toward achieving our ultimate goal: universal health care coverage for all,” said Senator Markey. “But the Trump administration wants to take away the right to health care from millions of Americans, along with a life free of economic insecurity. That’s just wrong, and I know Massachusetts will fight President Trump’s dangerous agenda every step of the way. From health care, to equal rights, to action on climate change and the environment, to avoiding a nuclear war, the people of Massachusetts will stand up and lead the resistance movement.”  

