Senator Markey welcomes inter-Korean discussions but highlights lack of progress toward North Korean denuclearization


Washington (September 19, 2018) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), Ranking Member of the East Asia Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement about the outcomes of the recent discussions between Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae In at the third inter-Korean summit in Pyongyang.


“Despite the opportunity represented in the third inter-Korean summit for Kim Jong Un to show that he is serious about relinquishing his nuclear weapons program, he made it very clear that he intends for North Korea to keep its weapons,” said Senator Markey.


“Although I welcome President Moon’s continued efforts for reconciliation – including through military risk reduction, family reunions, and sports diplomacy – the United States has an obligation to point out that North Korea’s nuclear activities have increased. Kim’s offer to allow nuclear inspections at one facility is conditioned upon concessions it intends to extract from the United States, but we cannot give in to North Korea’s demands while it continues to produce fissile material and appears to be expanding its ballistic missile program.


“This push to frontload U.S. concessions with few meaningful commitments is unmistakable evidence that Kim believes he can extract more from President Trump than from any other American president. I fear that President Trump is getting played by Kim Jong Un.”

