Senator Markey authored mandate in law that requires the screening of all cargo on passenger airplanes in wake of 9/11 attacks

Boston (September 9, 2016) – On the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) today praised passage of the Senate resolution he led honoring the sacrifice and service of aviation’s first responders, our flight attendance and pilots. The crewmembers of United Flight 175, American Flight 11, American Flight 77, and United Flight 93 acted as first responders, providing the first information about the unfolding attacks and selflessly protecting the United States and the lives of countless others. Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Bob Casey (D-Penn.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.) co-sponsored the resolution. Senator Markey is a former senior member of the House Homeland Security Committee and leading advocate for aviation, maritime and grid security.

“The bravery of the crewmembers 15 years ago will always be cherished in the hearts and minds of the American people,”said Senator Markey. “Those airline pilots and flight attendants were heroes, and we honor their memory and the service of today’s aviation first responders with this Senate resolution. Everyone in this country felt unspeakable loss that tragic day 15 years ago, with a direct and profound impact on victims’ families in Massachusetts. The planes took off from Logan Airport in Boston with hundreds of passengers and crewmembers, and our communities were forever changed. As we reflect on the anniversary of that day, I thank those in the aviation sector who continue to work to keep us safe each and every day.” 

A copy of the Senate resolution can be found HERE.

“Flight attendant first responders relayed the first intelligence of attacks, alerting our country and our fellow crewmembers on Flight 93, who in turn made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our country and countless lives,” said Sara Nelson, international president of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO. “Every day since September 11th, we go to work with an even greater sense of responsibility, serving as our nation’s last line of defense in aviation security. From rushing to our side 15 years ago as we mourned the loss of our heroes to keeping the promise to Never Forget through legislative action, Senator Markey has been our dear friend, partner and champion to ensure these events are never repeated. We are so grateful to Senators Markey, Warren, Casey, Gillibrand, and Booker for leading this recognition of aviation's first responders. We will Never Forget.”


“ALPA is grateful for Senator Markey's recognition of the dedication and professionalism of aviation crewmembers who lost their lives on September 11,” said Captain Tim Canoll, president, Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA). “Their legacy is a powerful reminder why diligence and being vigilant are so critical in our everyday lives. For the past 15 years, the aviation community, along with committed congressional partners such as Senator Markey, have worked to rebuild our industry and today, we are stronger, more determined, and more resolute in our commitment to safe and secure skies for our fellow crewmembers, passengers and cargo."


Organizations supporting the resolution include: Association of Flight Attendants, Air Line Pilots Association, Transportation Trades Department, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Transportation Workers Union, Allied Pilots Association, and International Brotherhood of Teamsters.
