Calls on Republicans to stop their obstruction and give Judge Garland a hearing and a vote

Washington (May 11, 2016) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) today met with D.C. Circuit Chief Judge Merrick Garland, President Obama’s nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court to fill the vacancy created by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. The two met for an hour in Senator Markey’s office in Washington, D.C. They discussed Judge Garland’s extensive background and experience in the law, his judicial philosophy and approach to deciding cases, and the importance of having a fully functioning Supreme Court. When asked which former Supreme Court justice he most admired, Chief Judge Garland indicated Chief Justice John Marshall, who is recognized as having established the judicial branch as an independent and co-equal branch of the federal government.
Below is a statement from Senator Markey:
“Chief Judge Merrick Garland is an eminently qualified nominee for the Supreme Court, and it is the Senate’s obligation to consider and vote on his nomination without further delay. My discussions today with Judge Garland made clear that he has dedicated his career to upholding our Constitution and that he will advance the rule of law in our nation on the Supreme Court. Judge Garland would continue a rich and long tradition of Massachusetts-educated justices with the intellect and judgment to serve on our top court.
“Republicans may try to broker their convention, but they can’t broker our Constitution. President Obama has fulfilled his Constitutional obligation and sent the Senate an exceedingly qualified nominee in Chief Judge Merrick Garland to fill this vacancy on the high court. But Senate Republicans are engaged in the worst kind of partisan obstruction by ignoring their Constitutional duty to act on Judge Garland’s nomination. The United States Constitution is a remarkable document. Let us respect it, not run from it. It is time for Senate Republicans to fulfill their constitutional obligations and have a hearing and vote on Judge Garland’s nomination.”