Reaffirms Support for the Iran Nuclear Deal and Emphasizes Importance of American Credibility in Resolving North Korea Crisis

Washington (January 12, 2018) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), top Democrat on the East Asia Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement in response to the Trump administration’s statement waiving Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)-related sanctions on Iran.


“I am pleased the United States will for the near term continue to meet its commitments under the Iran nuclear deal.  Every other party to this agreement, as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency, has affirmed that it is doing exactly what it was intended to do – verifiably ensuring that Iran does not obtain a nuclear weapon” said Senator Markey.  “And yet the Trump administration has once again needlessly undermined America’s credibility around the world by threatening to renege on commitments it made not just with Iran, but with some of our most important allies as well, later this year.  If America walks away from the Iran nuclear deal, our chances for meaningful negotiations to address another nuclear crisis in North Korea will evaporate.  Now more than ever it is essential that the world know the United States will remain true to its word.  This is the only way we can build and sustain the international coalition necessary to achieve a peaceful, diplomatic solution to the North Korea challenge.  Yet time and again, President Trump and his administration have done the opposite, taking actions that call into question America’s trustworthiness, erode our leadership, and further isolate us from the rest of the international community.”

