Washington (June 18, 2024) - Senator Edward J. Markey, author of the law establishing Juneteenth a federal holiday, released the following statement in celebration of the third anniversary of Juneteenth’s commemoration as a federal holiday:

“Juneteenth is a holiday that calls on us to remember, reflect, and recommit to the principles of our democracy – liberty and justice for all. These are principles that we as a nation strive to champion, but must continue to realize, not just through our words, but also our actions,” said Senator Markey. We must redefine freedom to include the active dismantling of systemic barriers that continue to oppress Black Americans and that still permeate our society – from our environment and our schools, to our criminal legal and health care systems. As we commemorate the past, and educate ourselves about our country’s history, we must map out a future that is grounded in our commitment to justice and equity, ensuring that the promise of freedom is not just an ideal, but a lived reality for all.

“As we see a national backlash against the truth about our country’s history, we must amplify and preserve Black history, and champion the leaders currently doing that work. We must reform our criminal legal system, which disproportionately incarcerates Black Americans, end solitary confinement and other inhumane practices, dismantle the school to prison pipeline, and stop police violence. We must be clear-eyed and consistent in bringing about real change and be proactive in our pursuit of a justice-minded future.

“Only when we bring ourselves to act on our commitments can we move closer to a society that fulfills the promise of liberty and justice for all - a promise that is as relevant today as it was over a century and a half ago in Galveston.”
