Washington (January 22, 2018) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement today after voting against a short-term continuing budget resolution that provided no certainty or resolution for DREAMers, pensioners, the people of Puerto Rico, vulnerable children and patients, or communities devastated by the opioid crisis.


“I cannot support a budget deal that falls so far short of fulfilling our moral and Constitutional obligation to the American people, said Senator Markey. “Without guaranteed long-term funding for community health centers, the opioid crisis, disaster aid, and protections for our DREAMers, I cannot support this legislation.


“I remain deeply skeptical of any short-term budget agreement that relies on the good faith commitment of President Donald Trump. A budgetary vision without funding is a hallucination. The futures and families of DREAMers will not be assured by a promise from Republican leadership. We need a long-term budget proposal that includes real protections for our DREAMers and appropriately funds critical health priorities, not a short-term IOU.”

