Senator had introduced legislation calling for such rules to protect taxpayers, public health and our climate


Washington (May 10, 2017) – Today, Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, applauded the defeat of a Republican attempt to use the Congressional Review Act to roll back regulations limiting the venting and flaring of natural gas produced from public lands onshore. Senator Markey had previously introduced legislation in the Senate, the Fuel Loss Abatement and Royalty Enhancement Act (FLARE Act), to direct the Interior Department to issue precisely these sorts of regulations on the waste of natural gas on public lands that belongs to the American people.


“Today’s vote is a win for American taxpayers, a win for public health and a win for our climate,” said Senator Markey. “When it comes to natural gas production on public lands, the oil industry should embrace the slogan ‘waste not, want not.’ These commonsense rules issued by the Obama administration ensure that we can reduce methane emissions that contribute to climate change and ensure that taxpayers receive their fair share for their precious natural resources. Rejecting this Republican attempt to allow oil and gas companies to continue wasting natural gas owned by the American people will ensure that American taxpayers will not get burned. And it will ensure that we don’t lose control of managing methane emissions on public lands that contribute to climate change.”


Senator Markey had previously introduced legislation in the Senate, the FLARE Act, S. 1271, that would direct the Department to issue regulations to reduce the venting and flaring of natural gas on public lands and ensure that taxpayers are compensated for this resource that they own.