Washington (November 20, 2017) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement on FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's decision to begin gutting net neutrality:

“Last year, Chairman Pai threatened to take a “weed whacker” to net neutrality rules, and regrettably, he’s about to make good on his promise,” said Edward J. Markey, a member of the Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee.  “Every day Americans are in danger of drastic changes to the way they use the internet. Families connecting with loved ones at the holiday will have buffering times decided by a cable company. Students downloading educational projects will wait as long as the internet service providers want them to--delaying their homework. Startups on the verge of discovering a new job-creating innovation could be shut down in favor of bigger companies willing to pay more to rig the market. All because Chairman Pai is listening to a few broadband barons that want to serve as all powerful gatekeepers to the internet despite millions of Americans writing into the Commission in defense of net neutrality.  Consumers, start-ups, and innovation will lose. Internet service providers will  win.  I urge all of those who rely on a free and open internet – whether it’s for commerce, education, healthcare, or entertainment – to join me in creating a firestorm of opposition to this assault on net neutrality.”
