Washington (May 23, 2018) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, commemorated today’s milestone of the first contract awarded to build an offshore wind farm off the coast of Massachusetts. Senator Markey has introduced the legislation that would spur the growth of offshore wind energy in the United States by extending tax credits for this burgeoning renewable industry. The Offshore Wind Incentives for New Development (Offshore WIND) Act would extend the 30 percent Investment Tax Credit for offshore wind through 2025.


Below is Senator Markey’s statement:


“Massachusetts must lead the nation on offshore wind, and this first contract of its kind to harness the winds off our coast is an important milestone. Rather than drilling for oil and gas off of the New England coast, we will find our energy future blowing in the wind. We should pursue a clean energy vision that creates jobs, grows our economy, and protects our environment. I commend the State of Massachusetts for its commitment to offshore wind, and I look forward to working with Governor Baker and his administration on clean energy and climate change solutions.”

