Boston (July 1, 2019) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement after Iran announced that it had surpassed the limit on the uranium supply permitted under the  Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPAO), also called the Iran nuclear deal.


“Donald Trump bears responsibility for Iran restarting its nuclear program, a development no one wanted to see happen,” said Senator Markey. “Iran is clearly escalating tensions in the Middle East, and its actions must be addressed. No country should move away from its nuclear nonproliferation goals.


“But Iran’s actions are undeniably a response to President Trump betraying America’s security interests and unilaterally withdrawing from a nuclear deal by which Iran was abiding. President Trump went back on America’s word for his own political gain, turned his back on America’s closest European allies, and squandered America’s opportunity to pursue further diplomacy to advance U.S. interests in the region.


“Iran must return to compliance with the nuclear agreement, and so must Donald Trump. It will make us safer than we are today and provide the grounds for a diplomatic path forward to address Iran’s other malign behavior.”

