Washington (January 19, 2022) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), Chair of the Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Clean Air, Climate, and Nuclear Safety, released the following statement today following President Joe Biden’s remarks on the next steps forward for making a deal on Build Back Better through the budget reconciliation process.


“I support President Biden in his effort to pass a Build Back Better package that can get 50 votes. The climate and clean energy provisions in Build Back Better have been largely worked through and financed, so let’s start there and add any of the other important provisions to support working families that can meet the 50-vote threshold. Congress has the opportunity to pass life-saving, intersectional, justice-focused climate action that would take steps to drastically reduce dangerous emissions, promote environmental justice, and create millions of good-paying union jobs across our country. We need to move from words to action, from negotiation to agreement. Our economy, our health, and the very future of our planet simply cannot wait.

