Boston (April 21, 2020) – Senator Edward J. Markey, a member of the Small Business Committee, released the following statement after the U.S. Senate passed by unanimous consent a $484 billion dollar interim coronavirus emergency relief package that included $380 billion for small businesses, $75 billion for hospitals, and $25 billion for coronavirus testing.


“This package is meant to provide much needed replenishment to small businesses so that they access the Paycheck Protection Program, and I’m proud that Democrats fought to ensure that it sets aside $60 billion for the minority- and women-owned small businesses who need it most. We’re also providing crucial funding to support hospitals and a national testing strategy, but this package is nowhere near enough for the workers and cities and states that are close to the edge of financial collapse. Families need more financial help, frontline workers need more support and protective equipment, and Massachusetts needs assurance in the form of funding that its federal government is there to support all of us. I will continue fighting for paid sick leave, more direct cash payments, student borrower relief, funding to close the homework gap for low-income students, and robust resources for states, cities, and Tribal governments in the next round of relief.


“We may call this an interim relief package, but there has been no break for our families, workers, and small businesses who are struggling day to day to stay afloat amidst the coronavirus pandemic. It is their interests, not the interests of fossil fuel companies or other corporations, that must be at the center of all future relief packages.”

