Washington (March 30, 2024) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement on the passing of former Massachusetts Congressman Bill Delahunt. Then-Representative Markey and Rep. Delahunt served together in the U.S. House of Representatives for 13 years, from 1997-2010.

“As long as I have known Bill Delahunt, he’s been a champion for justice in the very best sense. As District Attorney for Norfolk County, he always understood that justice was more than accountability for wrongdoing. That justice, ultimately, was about helping people – especially the most vulnerable – find some peace in this world. His work centered on equality and compassion, and focused on tomorrow, rather than just today. As DA, he created the first ever domestic violence prevention unit in the country and changed both the way women and spouses are treated by the justice system, and how they are viewed – as equal to men, as whole beings, and as the focus for justice, rather than just an afterthought.

“Bill brought that same commitment to restoration to Congress, where he led an effort on adoption. And because of his law, every child that was adopted from overseas automatically became a citizen of the United States. In just one day, 80,000 young people became American citizens. Bill Delahunt understood the unlimited capacity of the human heart to love and nurture, and as Congressman, he created countless families who are celebrating their own American Dream.

“I met with Bill in Quincy in February, and he was clear and as committed as ever to working on behalf of the South Shore and the people of Massachusetts. It is a fitting honor that the door of the William D. Delahunt Norfolk County Courthouse opens every day so that the people inside can do the hard work of making lives better, as Bill Delahunt did. The Commonwealth and the country are better for Bill Delahunt’s vision and service. My deepest condolences go out to his family, his loved ones, and all those whose lives he touched.”
