Washington (September 29, 2023) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) issued the following statement in response to the passing of Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.):

“Senator Feinstein was a legendary legislator, a trailblazer for the rights of women and the LGBTQ+ community, and a staunch defender of our democratic principles.

“For decades, I was fortunate to count Dianne as a partner in protecting the American people from the existential threats of our time: advancing historic fuel economy standards to combat the climate crisis, championing an assault weapons ban to curb gun violence, and stopping the proliferation of nuclear weapons to avert Armageddon. She was a consumer champion, a proponent of peace and diplomacy, and a public servant to her very core.

“Today marks a great loss for all those who knew and loved her, and for the countless more whose lives were touched by her service to our nation. My heart and thoughts are with her family and friends, and to our colleagues who called her friend.”
