Washington (February 4, 2021) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass), top Democrat on the East Asia subcommittee of the Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement following President Biden’s speech during his first official visit to the State Department in his capacity as President of the United States.
“Today, President Biden demonstrated the statesmanship and seriousness needed to address the global challenges facing our nation and repair America’s standing in the world, and I look forward to helping the Administration build back a better foreign policy,” said Senator Markey. “The President reaffirmed his commitment to climate action, human rights, nuclear arms control, and LGBTQI+ asylum seekers and refugees,” said Senator Markey. “The President also rightfully recognized the outstanding contributions of our dedicated diplomatic corps and emphasized his support to for them as they work hand-in-hand with our international partners and allies to tackle issues of intrinsic importance to Americans at home.
“President Biden’s call to Burmese military forces to refrain from violence and return power to the democratically elected, civilian-led government is a reminder to the world that the United States supports the efforts of those committed to the hard work of transitioning to democracy. We must stand with the international community to act in unity to support the democratic will of the people of Burma, who have already suffered too much in their quest for freedom.
“Boldly standing up to the Kremlin for its poisoning of Alexey Navalny and its subsequent jailing of the opposition-leader and his peaceful supporters who took to the streets, alongside extension the nuclear New START treaty for an additional five years shows that the United States will guard against a rerun of the 20th century nuclear arms race and the authoritarianism of President Vladimir Putin.
“President Biden’s commitment to increasing foreign assistance programs that will protect basic human rights, including those of the LGBTQI community, as well as to reversing his predecessor’s callous refugee policy reflects a bedrock American dedication to human rights. I have introduced legislation to raise the refugee admission cap and look forward to working with the Administration to once again offer the protection of the United States to those fleeing violence, persecution, and war."