Washington (July 29, 2024) - Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement on President Joe Biden’s proposed Supreme Court reforms.

“Our most fundamental freedoms are under attack from an illegitimate, extremist U.S. Supreme Court majority that is out of step with the American public. Donald Trump and his MAGA partners in the Republican caucus stole two seats and packed the Court with partisan justices who are overturning decades of precedent to satisfy their deep-pocketed, right-wing, special interest benefactors. They started by breaking the rules for confirming justices and ended up breaking the Supreme Court itself.

“In the wake of the outrageous Supreme Court rulings to overturn Roe v. Wade, hand Trump immunity from prosecution on a silver platter, and discard Chevron deference, we need Supreme Court reform more than ever, and I welcome President Biden’s proposal. A strong, enforceable code of ethics and term limits are important steps, but the most direct and immediate solution is to expand the Supreme Court and return balance and legitimacy to the highest court in the land. Only then will Americans be able to look at the Court with respect and reverence, not disgust and despair.

“My Judiciary Act would add four seats to the Supreme Court – two to reclaim the two seats that were stolen, and two seats that rightfully should have been filled by Presidents Obama and Biden. Expanding the court is constitutional, and we’ve done it before. We cannot allow the Supreme Court of the United States to be known as the Extreme Court of the United States for generations to come.”
