Washington (November 30, 2023) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement upon news that hostage Yarden Roman Gat has been released and is reunited with family in Israel. Yarden is the niece of Yadin Roman, who served as then-Representative Markey’s tour guide on a 1990 congressional delegation trip to Israel. Yadin reached out to Senator Markey after Yarden was kidnapped by Hamas from Kibbutz Be’eri as part of its terrorist attack on October 7th.

“After many weeks of public and private advocacy, I am deeply relieved that Yarden Roman Gat has been released by Hamas and reunited with her family in Israel. Yarden is the niece of a close friend of mine, Yadin Roman, who I met years ago on a congressional delegation trip to Israel. He and his family have been my one degree of separation from the grief and heartache caused by Hamas’ terrible attack.

“I applaud the Biden administration’s work with regional partners to secure a hostage deal that has resulted in the release of dozens of innocent hostages, and we must work until every hostage is released and able to return home safely. I urge all parties to continue to push for extending this agreement and achieving a permanent end to the violence that has already claimed thousands of innocent lives.

“I will continue calling for the immediate release of all hostages, increased humanitarian assistance for civilians in Gaza, and a lasting peace for both Palestinians and Israelis built on a sustainable two-state solution.”
