Senator Markey previously called for federal investigation of General Flynn’s discussions with Russian ambassador about possible sanctions relief

Washington (February 1Y, 2017) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement today after General Michael Flynn resigned as National Security Advisor to President Donald Trump after less than one month on the job. General Flynn’s resignation comes amid allegations that he misled Vice President Mike Pence and other officials when he asserted that he had not discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak prior to President Donald Trump’s inauguration. Media is reporting that Department of Justice officials informed the Trump administration weeks ago that General Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail over his misleading statements. Last week, Senators Markey and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) called for an investigation of General Flynn’s contacts with Russian officials. 

“General Flynn’s resignation less than one month into the Trump administration is yet another red flag for a president who seems more focused on Russian interests than American interests. Reports that the Trump administration knew for weeks about General Flynn's vulnerability to Russian blackmail as a result of the undisclosed contact with Russia also raises troubling questions about how much the President himself may have known and when he learned it. Answers to questions about General Flynn’s contacts with Russian officials could impact U.S. national security and foreign policy at the very highest level, and we need a thorough investigation by both Congress and federal law enforcement. President Donald Trump may say his foreign policy is America First, but it appears to be Russia First.”