Washington (February 8, 2018) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement on the proposed Senate budget deal.


“I am pleased that this budget proposal invests meaningfully in combatting the opioid crisis, advancing life-saving medical research, and helping our students, veterans, and first responders. It proves that the Senate can come to consensus on important priorities,” said Senator Markey. “This proposal includes the extension and expansion of Independence At Home, a program that I have championed that provides high-quality care to patients suffering from multiple debilitating chronic illnesses while lowering costs for Medicare. But we can help our sickest seniors stay in their homes and keep our Dreamers in their country at the same time. Unfortunately, this deal provides no certainty for the young immigrants in Massachusetts and around the country who face deportation in mere weeks.


“This budget agreement represents important progress, but it is a promise unfulfilled. I pledged to fight for protections for the hundreds of thousands of Dreamers who are American in every way but their legal status. This deal lets them down, and I cannot support it.”

