Washington (June 19, 2019) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee and co-author of the Green New Deal resolution, released the following statement today after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its final rule to repeal and replace the Clean Power Plan.


“Instead of writing an invitation to clean energy producers, President Trump has written a love letter to King Coal,” said Senator Markey. “This new rule is nothing more than corporate welfare for the coal industry. We don’t need a dirty power plan, we need a Green New Deal.


“We can and we must find a way to provide energy jobs and a future to coal communities. We can take care of coal miners. We can restore abandoned mine lands and stimulate economic development in coal communities. And we can ensure that more coal miners get the pensions and health benefits they have earned and deserve.


“America’s energy future will not be found in the dark of a mine but in the light of the sun. Wind and solar are beating coal in the free market. Today there are 350,000 jobs in solar and wind and only 50,000 in coal mining. We are already employing seven times more Americans in the wind and solar industries, and they are expected to be the two of the fastest growing jobs in America in the next decade.


“Sadly, it is clear that former coal lobbyist and now EPA Administrator Tom Wheeler doesn’t understand that it is the EPA’s job to protect public health and the environment, not the coal industry. This roll-back of the Clean Power Plan is an assault on public health, on clean air and water, on jobs, and the future of our planet. We will not let it stand.”

