Boston (November 26, 2019) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), Chair of the Senate Climate Change Task Force and co-author of the Green New Deal resolution, released the following statement after the United Nations Emissions Gap report warned that global fossil fuel carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions need to begin falling by more than 7 percent a year beginning in 2020 – whereas global emissions have been rising roughly 1.5 percent annually over the past decade.


Yesterday, Senator Markey introduced first-of-its-kind legislation that would restrict access to the U.S. financial system for those individuals and companies most responsible for exacerbating climate change.


“We have to cut emissions now—five times faster than we promised in Paris—in order to protect the promise of a livable future,” said Senator Markey, Chair of the Senate Climate Change Task Force. “We cannot let the Climate Denier-In-Chief Donald Trump abandon America’s global leadership on climate action. The science is clearer than ever. The solutions are cheaper than ever. What this country needs is the political will, technological optimism, and commitment to respond to the pleas of scientists and communities. We need a Green New Deal, and we need it now.”

