Washington (January 20, 2020) — Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), co-author of the Green New Deal resolution and member of the Environment and Public Works Committee and Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement today, as President Joseph Biden re-enters the United States into the Paris climate agreement.
“On day one, President Biden is making climate action priority number one. This is an important moment for the climate movement, our country, and the planet. By re-entering the United States into the Paris climate agreement, President Biden has reaffirmed our nation’s commitment to leading the fight against the existential crisis of our time and to seizing the opportunity of a clean energy economy and safer future for all. The Paris agreement recognizes that global warming requires a global solution, including a collective commitment to greenhouse gas emissions reductions and clean energy solutions.
“The Paris agreement is a day one priority because it is a first, critical step in the right direction—we have much more to gain and still more to do in fighting the climate crisis. But our climate efforts have only just begun in the new Biden administration. We must commit to ambitious, necessary action to ensure the U.S. leads the way in creating a net-zero global economy by 2050 and create the long-overdue justice for frontline communities that have borne the worst burdens of our addiction to fossil fuels. We can deliver jobs and justice for Americans and make the Green New Deal a reality.”
The Trump administration officially withdrew the United States from the Paris climate agreement on November 4, 2020, making the United States the only country to leave the international accord. One hundred and ninety seven countries have adopted the Paris agreement, and 189 countries have formally approved it.