Washington (April 24, 2023) – In recognition of his strong support for AmeriCorps, Voices for National Service announced today that Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) will receive the Franklin D. Roosevelt Service and Conservation Corps Leadership Award at the 20th Annual Friends of National Service Awards.

Voices for National Service, which turns 20 this year, is a diverse coalition of AmeriCorps programs, state service commissions and individual champions, who deliver critical services to Americans in communities across the country. Voices for National Service advocates for programs on the front lines of our communities, responding to the country’s most immediate and pressing challenges. 

“AmeriCorps members today serve on the frontlines of the climate and public health crises—providing critical support to communities across Massachusetts and our country. I am honored to be recognized for my continued commitment to deploying hundreds of thousands of Americans in a new Civilian Climate Corps, as well as expanding service opportunities and ensuring that all AmeriCorps members can earn a living wage and benefits while they serve communities,” said Senator Markey. “AmeriCorps volunteers are the heroes in emergency shelters, the force for good in communities making them more resilient to climate change, the teachers that fill the gaps in educational opportunity, and the advocates connecting residents to life-saving services. Our world is better, safer, and more just because of the invaluable contributions of these public servants and the organizations that empower them each and every day.”

“In his decades in Congress, Senator Markey has amassed an unparalleled record of energy and environmental legislative achievements,” said AnnMaura Connolly, President, Voices for National Service. “He strongly believes that AmeriCorps members can play an important role in helping to improve the sustainability and resiliency of their communities and he is a leading advocate for establishing a Civilian Climate Corps administer by the AmeriCorps agency.  For his unwavering support of AmeriCorps as a people-driven solution to our most pressing challenges, we’re proud to honor Senator Markey with the Franklin D. Roosevelt Service and Conservation Corps Leadership Award.”

A member of the National Service Congressional Caucus, Senator Markey appreciates the impact AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps Seniors have on both the communities served and in the lives of those who step forward to serve. AmeriCorps is featured prominently in the Civilian Climate Corps for Jobs and Justice Act, which Senator Markey introduced in 2021. If realized, the legislation would modernize and expand on the New Deal-era Civilian Conservation Corps, engage more AmeriCorps members in conservation projects with climate benefits, and provide an increased living allowance that will ensure young people from all backgrounds can serve, develop in-demand job skills, and earn money to advance their educational goals. Senator Markey has supported increased funding for AmeriCorps and been a champion of legislation to significantly expand the program. 

A short video featuring voices from Massachusetts highlights how Senator Markey has helped to raise public awareness of AmeriCorps and elevated service as a solution to some of the nation's most pressing problems will be available following the event, here. You are welcome to embed the video in any coverage.

Annually approximately 8,500 members of AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps Seniors are serving in Massachusetts, responding to the state’s most immediate and critical needs. They are serving at more than 1,000 locations across Massachusetts including schools, food banks, homeless shelters, health clinics, veterans facilities and other local nonprofit, faith-based and community organizations. The AmeriCorps agency has invested more than $31.8 million in federal funding to support cost-effective community solutions in Massachusetts, working hand in hand with local partners to empower individuals to help communities tackle their toughest challenges. Through this public-private partnership, every $1 Congress invests in AmeriCorps returns more than $17 in benefits to our country.

Senator Markey joins a bipartisan group of distinguished leaders in government being honored this year, including Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine), Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and Todd Young (R-Ind.) and Representatives Judy Chu (CA-28), Tom Cole (OK-04), Garret Graves (LA-06), Derek Kilmer (WA-06), and Gwen Moore (WI-04).
