Washington (November 22, 2019) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass), the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations East Asia Subcommittee, sent a letter to United Nations (UN) Ambassador Kelly Craft, urging her to ensure that North Korean human rights abuses are placed on the upcoming UN Security Council agenda. Until 2018 – largely, due to U.S. leadership and efforts – the UN Security Council had held an annual meeting to discuss the North Korean regime’s systematic violations of human rights. 


As the Security Council is the organ of the UN most responsible for the maintenance of global peace, security, and promotion of respect for human rights, the meeting sent a powerful message to North Korea. Helmed by Kim Jong Un, the North Korean regime has repeatedly denied allegations of human rights violations, including the imprisonment of an estimated 80,000 to 120,000 North Koreans in political prison camps.


“During its upcoming Security Council presidency, the United States has a moral responsibility to elevate the rights and dignities of the millions of North Koreans who live every day under the threat of persecution,” writes Senator Markey in the letter.


A copy of Senator Markey’s letter can be found HERE.

