Washington (April 20, 2021) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement after Derek Chauvin’s trial ended:
“George Floyd’s life mattered, and today his family, friends and community got the justice they deserved. But today’s verdict does not bring him back, and it only begins to scratch the surface of what our country must do to atone for the shameful, racist policies that have denied and stripped Black Americans of their rights for generations.
“George Floyd deserved to live his life fully. His children deserved to have him grow old with them. His community deserved to have him continue his life of service and mentorship.

“Today’s verdict must spur us to do more to ensure we hold law enforcement accountable for their actions, including abolishing qualified immunity, demilitarizing the police, and banning facial recognition surveillance. Today is only one step in the long march to true justice for Black and Brown Americans.”