BOSTON (October 30, 2014) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) released the following statement about the passing of beloved Boston Mayor Tom Menino:


“In every neighborhood across this city, Boston will mourn today after losing this great mayor, but we will fill that void with the love and respect we have for the life and the legacy of Tom Menino. Boston loves Tom Menino because Tom Menino loved Boston with all of his heart.


“Tom Menino wasn't satisfied with leading the best city in America, he wanted Boston to be the best city in the world. Tom Menino was an urban mechanic without equal, attuned to every detail in every neighborhood and forged a more inclusive Boston. Yet his vision for Boston was global, and he pushed the city into a new era of innovation. He helped this shining city on a hill illuminate its light across the world, building a beacon of innovation and entrepreneurship. He laid the foundation for Boston's economic leadership in the 21st century, including spearheading the Boston Innovation District and developing the Seaport area.


“The Innovation District is supporting the companies and industries that are creating jobs today. And he has ensured that Boston will continue to be a national leader in biotechnology, clean energy, and health care for generations to come.


“Boston will move into the future a stronger, brighter, safer, and healthier city because of Tom Menino.


“My thoughts go out to Angela, the entire Menino family, and everyone ever touched by the great Tom Menino, a mayor and a man for the ages.”