Boston, MA - United States Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) on Friday wrote to Major League Baseball (MLB) Commissioner Robert Manfred to voice opposition to the MLB proposal that would disaffiliate or eliminate 42 Minor League Baseball clubs, including the Lowell Spinners, based in Lowell, Massachusetts.

"This scheme would cause significant economic damage to the City of Lowell, eliminate an important piece of Lowell's cultural footprint, and disappoint baseball fans of all ages - all while doing long-term damage to the game's ability to keep and grow its fan base," the Massachusetts Senators wrote in their letter. "For over 20 years, the Lowell Spinners have brought fun and entertainment to baseball fans across the City of Lowell, the Merrimack Valley region, and the entire Commonwealth of Massachusetts."

Their letter highlights the Spinners' cultural and economic significance to the City of Lowell and the broader region, its charitable contributions to the community and little league programs, and the recent investments the club and city made to upgrade their field and stadium. The lawmakers' letter also notes the importance of the team's affiliation with the Boston Red Sox, and its role engaging Red Sox and other MLB team fans.

"The Lowell Spinners provide an affordable family outing and have remained a strong partner for the entire community," the Senators wrote. "We reiterate our strong opposition to any efforts to eliminate or disaffiliate the Spinners and dozens of other Minor League teams."
