Introduce bill assessing China’s exploitation of Hong Kong’s autonomy


WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Ed Markey (D-Mass.) this week introduced a bill which would amend the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 to require a report on how the People’s Republic of China (RPC) exploits Hong Kong to circumvent the laws of the United States. The bill addresses recent developments of the PRC forcing a controversial extradition bill through the Hong Kong government that would subject Hong Kong residents and foreign nationals to extradition to China. The legislation would require a report on how the Communist Party of China uses Hong Kong to circumvent U.S. export controls, customs duties, and sanctions, as well as conduct espionage and influence operations. Read the full text of their bill here.


“The People’s Republic of China has long exploited Hong Kong’s special legal treatment under U.S. law,” Sen. Cruz said. “It uses Hong Kong’s open economy to launder money, evade tariffs, break sanctions, and acquire sensitive intellectual property. The Chinese Communist Party of China encroaches on Hong Kong’s autonomy, including by interfering in elections and pushing controversial legislation that endangers foreign nationals residing in Hong Kong. In the past week, we’ve seen the people of Hong Kong protesting and marching in the streets to fight back against the Communist Party’s tyranny. If the Hong Kong government passes this dangerous extradition bill at the behest of Xi Jinping, the U.S. should reevaluate our policy toward Hong Kong. I am proud to introduce legislation with Senator Markey that would begin that process.”


“Hong Kongers should be able to determine their future, but the implications of the extradition bill currently under consideration raise fears that their rights will be undermined. With Chinese influence and coercion on the rise in Hong Kong, we should be supporting the rights and freedoms of people there and around the world to govern themselves. I thank Senator Cruz for his partnership on legislation that will shine some light on growing Chinese government influence in Hong Kong,” said Sen. Markey.

