WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 2, 2011) – In response to President Obama’s decision to withdraw Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards, proposed by EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, Congressman Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), top Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee and a senior member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, released the following statement:
I am disappointed that the President chose to further delay important clean air protections that would have helped to prevent respiratory and cardiac disease in thousands of Americans.
“While I agree with the President that using up-to-date science to inform policy decisions is important, I disagree that the 2006 pollution science that the Bush Administration ignored should be ignored once again in favor of additional delays in issuing rules to reduce the smog-producing ozone that threatens public health.
“This administration previously has taken positive steps towards cleaning up our air by issuing interstate air pollution transport and tailpipe emissions rules.
“In light of today’s decision, I urge the President to direct EPA to move forward aggressively and use its full authority under the Clean Air Act to address the other clean air challenges facing the nation  - from carbon pollution that is warming our planet, to mercury and other toxic air pollutants that are making the air unsafe to breathe