MEDFORD, MA. – U.S. Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Malden), chair of two key energy panels in the House, today announced that Massachusetts will be receiving $14,752,100 in federal funds to be used for energy efficiency and conservation programs throughout the state.  Markey is the co-author of the recently passed Waxman-Markey bill, as well as original author of the 1987 legislation that established mandatory nationwide appliance efficiency standards.

Rep. Markey said, “I am extremely pleased that Massachusetts has been awarded this critical funding.  One of the simplest and most immediate ways for communities to reduce their energy costs is by increasing efficiency and conservation efforts.  Cities and towns across our state have had to make painful budget and program cuts due to the economic recession and these funds will help implement cost-saving programs, while at the same time creating or saving local jobs.


President Obama yesterday urged swift and bold international action to fight the catastrophic effects of global climate change,” said Markey. “These funds will help states act locally to combat this grave threat and contribute to our national clean energy future.”  


The funds are being awarded through DOE’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG), a program funded for the first time by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), to provide grants to states, cities, counties, territories and federally-recognized Indian tribes to implement energy efficiency projects locally. 


The Massachusetts’ Department of Energy Resources (DOER) will distribute approximately 60% of the funds to an estimated 80 communities through a competitive grant program.  The remaining amount will be used state-wide, for various training and technical assistance initiatives that will enhance communities’ ability to accurately define their energy-use, ensure their equipment and systems are correctly designed and installed, and that once installed, ensure they are performing properly. 


As a result of today’s Recovery Act award, Massachusetts expects to substantially lower its energy use and fossil fuel emissions, as well as save or create more than 200 green jobs.


Rep. Markey was also previously able to secure nearly $3.3 million in Recovery Act funds for eight Massachusetts communities through an EECBG grant awarded in March of this year.


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