WASHINGTON, D.C. – Representative Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), a senior member of the Energy and Commerce committee, which has jurisdiction over health care policy, issued the following statement tonight after President Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress.

“Tonight the President offered a strong case for comprehensive health care reform, and I commend him on an excellent speech,” said Markey. 

“President Obama’s plan will offer stability and security for those with health insurance.  No one should have to fight off a deadly disease while also fighting with their insurance company.  The President’s plan puts a stop to denial of coverage based on a pre-existing condition and contains other vital reforms to protect Americans who already have coverage.  President Obama’s plan also will finally enable the more than 45 million Americans without health insurance to get quality, affordable health coverage by creating a new insurance exchange where individuals and small businesses can shop for health insurance at competitive prices.” 


“We are now entering a new phase in the debate. Our current system is broken and in urgent need of an overhaul.  Now is the time to heed the President’s call and pass comprehensive health care reform. The stakes are too high and the costs of inaction are too great to delay any longer.”