Washington, D.C.-  Congressman John F. Tierney and United States Senators Elizabeth Warren and Edward J. Markey today announced that the Saugus Fire Department has been awarded a $1.2 million grant through the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant program. These funds will allow the Saugus Fire Department to hire eight additional fire fighters, increasing their man power by almost twenty percent.  

“I am pleased that the Town of Saugus will be receiving this important federal funding,” said Congressman John Tierney. “Ensuring that our local fire fighters have the resources necessary to keep our community safe has always been a top priority of mine. This grant will allow Chief McQuaid and the Saugus Fire Department to increase their man power by almost twenty percent. As local communities across the district face tough budgetary decisions, federal SAFER grants help to keep our local fire stations open and adequately staffed.”

“This critical grant will help make sure Saugus has the resources it needs so our hardworking fire fighters can do their jobs and keep our families safe,” said Senator Elizabeth Warren. “I commend Chief McQuaid and the Saugus Fire Department for their efforts to secure this grant, and their tireless work day in and day out to protect our communities.” 

“Thanks to this important SAFER grant the Saugus Fire Department will have the staffing firepower it needs to enhance its work keeping the community and its residents safe. Strengthening our fire departments and first responder resources are public service priorities, and I applaud Chief McQuaid, Congressman Tierney, and local officials for their leadership securing this vital funding,” said Senator Edward Markey.

“Since my arrival, fire safety and the SAFER grant has been a priority of my administration. The ability to hire eight additional fire fighters will greatly enhance the Saugus Fire Department’s operations and further enhance their ability to serve our community,” said Saugus Town Manager Scott Crabtree.  “I support the work the Saugus Fire Department does on a daily basis led by Chief McQuaid as well as the needs of the community and I thank Congressman Tierney for his continued support of our fire department and the Town of Saugus.” 

"We are extremely thankful for this early Christmas present that will allow us to better serve the Saugus community by reducing response times and increasing fire fighter safety,” Saugus Fire Department Chief Don McQuaid said. “We appreciate Congressman Tierney’s assistance and his continued support of our fire fighters in Saugus.” 

FEMA’s SAFER grants program is intended to support the hiring of fire fighters and recruitment and retention of volunteer fire fighters. Over the last decade, the Saugus Fire Department has received more than $1.4 million in federal grants to help support their work of keeping our communities safe. Today’s grant is nearly four times larger than any that the department has received in the past.