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March 2017
EPW Democrats Decry President Trump’s Order Reversing U.S. Progress on Climate Change
Senator Markey to Introduce Legislation to Reinstate Broadband Privacy Protections in the Wake of GOP Roll-back
Markey, Sanders, Whitehouse, Blumenauer Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Hold Keystone XL Pipeline Project Accountable to Environment
Markey: Trump Executive Order Is Declaration of War on Climate Action, Public Health and Clean Energy
Senators Call on USA Hockey to Treat Women's National Hockey Team Fairly
Senators Call on Energy Secretary to Protect Whistleblowers, Hold Contractors Accountable after Department Confirms Nuclear Whistleblower’s Retaliation Claims
On Anniversary of ACA, Members of Massachusetts Delegation Issue 180-Page Report Sharing Stories of Its Positive Effects for Health Care in the Commonwealth
Markey Statement on Reported Approval of Keystone XL Pipeline
Senator Markey Blasts GOP Roll-back of Broadband Privacy Protections
Markey: Let’s Commemorate 7th Anniversary of Obamacare by Defeating Trumpcare
Senators Markey, Rubio, Brown and Capito Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Help Stanch Flow of Illicit Fentanyl into the United States
Senators Markey and Warren and Rep. Neal Urge Charter to Keep WWLP on in the Berkshires
Senator Markey Announces Paul Tencher as Chief of Staff
Senator Markey and Blumenthal Reintroduce Legislation to Improve Cybersecurity of Vehicles and Airplanes
Markey Joins Carper, Senators in Call for Pruitt to Address Conflict of Interest in Clean Water Rule Review
Markey, Democratic Senators Call TrumpCare Disastrous for Battle Against Opioid Crisis
Senator Markey Releases Analysis on Impacts of Trump Budget on Massachusetts
Senator Markey and U.S. Librarian of Congress Dr. Carla Hayden Join Children and Hundreds of Mass. Librarians and Staff for Tour of Malden Public Library
Senators Markey and Sullivan Call on FCC to Protect E-Rate Funding
Senator Markey Expresses Concern about Tillerson Saber-Rattling on North Korea