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March 2016
Markey, Blumenthal Introduce Legislation to Ground Rising Airline Fees
Senators Introduce Legislation to Impose Sanctions on Foreign Individuals Responsible for Violence Against the LGBT Community
On International Women’s Day, Bipartisan Coalition Announces Resolution Supporting International Women’s Day
Markey Amendments to Strengthen Natural Gas Pipeline Infrastructure in Pipeline Reauthorization Bill Pass Full U.S. Senate
Markey, Murphy, 22 Senators Call on Appropriators to Fully Fund The President’s $1.9 Billion Dollar Request to Fight Zika Virus
Senator Markey Statement on Murder of Environmentalist Berta Cáceres
Markey Applauds E-Cigarette Ban on Commercial Flights
February 2016
Markey, Senators Urge DOL to Extend Overtime Pay to American Workers
Senator Markey Statement on Recent Elections in Uganda
Senator Markey Leads 12 Senators in Bipartisan Resolution Declaring First Week of April National Asbestos Awareness Week
Markey, Franken, Dem Senators: Carefully Evaluate Proposed Charter—Time Warner Cable Deal For Potential Harm to Consumers
In Wake of VW Scandal, Markey, Blumenthal, Rush, Pallone Introduce Legislation to Fine Automakers for Violating Emissions Rules
Markey, Blumenthal Statement On Recent Developments In Takata Air Bag Recalls
Markey: Until There is Reform At FDA, the Opioid Addiction and Overdose Crisis Will Continue
Senators Markey, Manchin and Blumenthal Join Medical, Law Enforcement and Public Health Leaders in Opposition to FDA Nominee, Call for Action on Opioid Crisis at FDA
Senator Markey to FDA: “Abuse-Deterrent Opioid” Is an Oxymoron; New Opioid Action Plan Continues Deadly Status Quo
Markey Praises FCC Effort to “Unlock the Box” and Ensure Choice in Pay-TV Video Box Marketplace
Markey, Kennedy Respond To Results Of New England Electricity Capacity Auction
Markey, Senate Democrats Demand Passage Of Emergency Funding To Tackle Prescription Opioid And Heroin Crisis
Markey, Blumenthal Statement On Vw Recall Of 850,000 Vehicles With Potentially-Lethal Takata Airbags